Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Math Tutoring Center at Gonzaga, Washington

Math Tutoring Center at Gonzaga, WashingtonYou have probably heard of the math tutoring center located in Gonzaga, Washington. The university is considered one of the top colleges in the country and they are also one of the best math schools in the United States. It is an honor to be accepted into this school, but what if you don't know where to go?If you are not sure what you should expect from a math tutoring center, then it may help to know what a typical day will look like for you at the college. For example, you will likely be assigned a tutor who will come to your class to help you study, then they will help you with homework problems, and finally, they will help you with quizzes and exams. As you can see, there are a few different types of tasks that can be performed at a tutoring center.Of course, your assignment can vary depending on your level of ability, so it may help to ask for more detailed information about your assigned tutor. They will most likely tell you what they expect you to do and how often they will come to your class. Many students get nervous about a tutor that comes very infrequently, but this is far from the case. Most students find that it is better to have their teacher come once a week or even less than to have a constant tutor all semester.The math tutoring center at Gonzaga is one of the best around. If you are serious about improving your test scores, then this might be a good option for you. It is important to remember that you are not signing up for something that you cannot do well. If you feel that you are having trouble with certain skills, then you should ask about doing some work with your instructor before taking the test.In addition to offering tutoring, the math tutoring center is committed to helping students develop their problem-solving and planning skills. If you are interested in pursuing a career in a profession that requires great planning skills, then you should seriously consider going to school at Gonzaga. W hile many people think that working at a math tutoring center is very boring, you would be surprised by what it can offer you. You will be able to pick up a lot of valuable information and practice skills that will help you in other situations, whether you are working at a job or dealing with other tasks at home.Unfortunately, you will not be able to just show up at a tutoring center and expect to learn everything there is to know about math. You will need to actively participate in classes, take tests, and take notes. The tutoring center will usually send you a list of things that you need to learn as well as a list of subjects that you should take more seriously. Take the time to make sure that all of your goals are covered before you decide to sign up for classes.The tutoring center is also committed to helping students succeed in a multitude of situations. They provide students with a great variety of services and will help them to achieve more in the areas of academics, health, and more. If you are struggling with any area of your life, then you should look into enrolling in a math tutoring center. There are many great benefits to this type of education, and you should definitely consider enrolling at the college.If you are serious about improving your test scores, then it might be a good idea to enroll in classes at Gonzaga. This particular college offers the best instruction for students of all ages. Students can expect to receive personalized attention from a dedicated math tutor, and they can also expect to receive a great deal of help in other areas as well.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Agec 217 Tutoring - The Best Way to Raise Your Child to an Advanced Level

Agec 217 Tutoring - The Best Way to Raise Your Child to an Advanced LevelAgec 217 tutoring provides you with great solutions for those who would like to finish their schooling at a very young age. The Agec tutoring system, which is based on computer technology, has helped many students of all ages to gain access to a level of learning that they could not get in any other way. At this time, even more parents are deciding to give up traditional schools in favor of the internet for their child's education. For these parents, age tutoring is one of the most effective methods of accomplishing this goal.Agec tutoring is, however, just one of the many means that could be used to bring up your child to an advanced level. There are other methods that offer the best educational benefits. However, the age tutoring system is particularly effective when it comes to boosting self-esteem. Since this system utilizes an interactive tutoring program, it will help you in improving your child's personal ity and confidence.In addition, age tutoring also shows you the potential of your child's intelligence. This is because of the specific combination of games and lessons that the system includes. Also, this tutoring system gives you the opportunity to select the games that you want your child to play during their tutoring sessions. You can make this choice after choosing from among the several games that are included in the program.Agec tutoring also offers a tutor for you to choose from, with whom you can have a one-on-one conversation with. This will let you know more about your child's personality and the right environment to give him or her the best learning experience. With the help of age tutoring, you will know what kind of environment your child needs to get the most out of his or her learning experience.Agec tutoring also teaches you how to handle your child's language. Through a combination of games and lessons, this system helps your child learn how to use different strate gies and vocabulary to build conversational skills.Agec tutoring also gives you a chance to decide on the kind of testing that your child would need to do before he or she will be allowed to graduate from his or her studies. You can choose from the various tests that the system comes with. You can then decide on which of the tests will help your child achieve the maximum results in his or her studies.All in all, this program is one of the best programs that you can choose to help your child study better. You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you have chosen a program that you can trust with your child's education.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Online Private Tutor Jobs - Top Benefits to Taking Online Private Tutor Jobs

Online Private Tutor Jobs - Top Benefits to Taking Online Private Tutor JobsIf you are thinking of starting a new career, a job as an online private tutor is probably not for you. You have probably heard the term before and have already imagined the responsibilities that go along with it. In most cases, it doesn't offer any opportunity to make a living wage, nor does it provide any position security. However, there are some advantages to the job that makes it worth taking on, if only to satisfy your curiosity in the field of education.You don't need to worry about working outside the office as you would in many other private tutor jobs. There are no set hours, and you are free to do your job whenever you have time. This is great if you have to attend a class during the night or have one day off per week. With such flexibility, you can go back to school whenever you feel like it, and you will never be stuck in a rigid schedule. For many students, this is simply a welcome change from t he time-consuming and frustrating nature of traditional classroom teaching.If you have your own home office, you can even use it to manage and run your online private tutor jobs. A simple menu of assignments, exam dates, and payment options should be available on your computer screen. You can select from one of the many payment methods that are offered by sites, depending on your personal preference and your desire to pay by cash or debit card.Online private tutor jobs also offer the chance to practice the field of education that you've always wanted to try. You can use the internet to find out about different schools in your area, and you can conduct research on different subjects and programs that interest you. This will prepare you well in all aspects of the job - marketing yourself, evaluating student's work, and other aspects that will help you master the art of business management.One of the best aspects of online private tutor jobs is that you have the ability to ask for addi tional financial assistance from your current employer. You can ask for a salary increase, tuition reimbursement, or housing allowance. These types of financial incentives are not usually offered to full-time employees, so you will have a great deal of flexibility in setting your own pay scale.As with many other jobs in the public sector, online private tutor jobs are compensated with a salary, depending on your position. Most positions offer the opportunity to earn more than minimum wage, which is probably part of the attraction for those who are looking for a first-rate pay rate in addition to job security. Additionally, these jobs often offer a variety of additional benefits, such as health care, 401(k) plans, and vacation days.If you are curious about the internet and education, online private tutor jobs are a perfect opportunity to check out the world of education. You can make a great living, work from your own home, and meet a variety of people from around the world, all in t he pursuit of the interests and passions that bring you joy.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Your Professional Field Guide to be a Rock-Star Introvert

Introvert Whisperer / Your Professional Field Guide to be a Rock-Star Introvert Your Professional Field Guide to be a Introvert Rockstar-Part Two Part Two If you missed part-one to this article you can catch up here. Which camp am I in? The first thing to notice is that more than likely, you had some X’s in both columns.   While the Meyers-Briggs folks believe you are either one or the other personality type, I’m in the camp that says you are “mostly” one or the other.   That means that you aren’t always consistently behaving as an introvert.   You may have moments when you are a bit more “E” and visa versa. There is also,  a vital but little-known aspect to our personalities and that is: versatility.   It turns out that as we travel through life situations, we learn that we must adapt to the situation in order for it to produce the best results.   We aren’t always aware we are adapting.   When you adapt enough to various situations, it becomes fairly automatic.   As an introvert, we learn where we can be more chatty or demonstrative without sucking up all of our battery life in certain situations like being with our family. As Darwin said: “Change is central to our existence.” Which means that both the “E” and “I” do adapt and the ones that adapt the best, the most frequent and soonest, will be the most successful in life and work.   You can probably think of those people whose personality is rigid and you know these are the people having the greatest difficulty and are usually seriously unhappy. Take heart if you are one of those rigid people! (Or even slow to learn to adapt)   Adapting is a learned skill.   For some people who are particularly self-aware, they pick up adaptation skills very naturally.   For the rest of us, we can learn to adapt.   What you may have thought was the domain of some very lucky people is now yours, should you choose to do so. I’m going to really dive deep into adaptations but first, it’s important to dispel some introvert myths. Myths and Misconceptions When it comes to our personality type, there are a lot of notions attached to it that aren’t entirely correct.   What I’m speaking of is when you hear about any of the following: Shy Anti-social Dislikes people Reclusive If you take Webster’s definition of Introvert, those things are certainly characteristics you could include. Webster’s definition and synonyms: Reserved and shy Turn in upon itself: marked by being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in ones own mental life Bashful, coy, demure, modest demure, diffident, retiring, sheepish When people speak broadly about Introverts that include shy and antisocial, they aren’t entirely correct.   There are other things going on with a person other than their personality.   Usually a shy person suffers from social anxiety and may be systemic to being Anti-Social.   So, yes, you could attach those elements to the word Introvert but not to the personality of Introvert.   This may be a bit of a fine distinction but I think it is a distinction worth noting. The reason for pointing this out is because your personality is a given just like your eye color.   Social anxiety is developed for a variety of reasons and is something that can be reduced with focus and professional help. You can’t change your personality but like social anxiety, if you have problems with your behavior that is driven by your personality, can make some adaptations or changes to improve your situation.   In other words, both issues of Social Anxiety and Introvert personality have solutions but are different. There is many other mental health diagnosis that have these characteristics.   I think that like many things, when you start seeing the more extreme examples of behavior, you aren’t talking about a personality as much as you’re talking about a disorder. My point in this is that some people mistakenly think if you are an Introvert that it’s a problem or something that needs to be fixed.   If it’s your personality you need to appreciate there is nothing wrong with you.   If you are suffering with social anxiety and it’s impacting your life you may want a professional to help you.   It’s interesting, if not slightly unfortunate that no other MBTI personality seems to have the baggage associated with it like Introverts do. Oh well. Another myth that really bothers me, especially as a Career Coach is the idea that Introverts can’t perform in some professional occupations.   Granted, there are some occupations that they may be more drawn to but at this point, I’ve seen highly successful Introverts in all occupations.   I’ve seen Introverts as managers, leaders, sales persons, actors, teachers, doctors, and police.   We have an array of Introverts who are captains of industry like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.   Obama, who is at the highest post politically in the US, is also an Introvert.   There is simply no merit to the myth that we can’t be successful in all jobs because it’s just not true. To summarize, there is no right or wrong when it comes to personality type and certainly there is nothing wrong with being an Introvert.   Unfortunately, the word introvert itself does seem to have “problems” associated with it and I guess that is our burden to bear. Why would you want to change or adapt? Change for the sake of change is pointless.   Change to improve your life (and your career is part of your life) is vital. Previously, I mentioned that you can learn to adapt and learn the skill of adapting in order to create the best possible outcome.   Where do you start? The best place to start is by looking at your own career goals against your current situation.   If your current situation is problematic then you have things to change, even if your issues aren’t all that big.   Small issues tend to get bigger as time goes by and it is very easy to try to ignore those smaller issues until you wake up one day and you’ve got a huge career mess on your hands. While you do apply classic problem solving to your issues, the trouble I sometimes see is people solving symptoms of problems, not problems.  It’s like taking cold medicine for pneumonia.   It might help with the symptoms but it will do nothing for eliminating the pneumonia from your body. When you solve the symptom, you fail to solve the problem.   You could also make your situation worse when your actions really aren’t focused on the correct fix.   I see this same problem with solving business issues.   Failure to get down to a root cause of a problem is fairly common.   The reason it happens more in our careers is because the emotional component of it doesn’t exactly cause a person to think all that clearly. Let me give you an example. I had a former client return to me a few years after helping her land what she thought was a dream job.   She wanted me to help her again with a job search and since I had helped her land the job she was leaving, I wanted to do a diagnostic of her situation.   I found out that she had a history of going into a job, doing an outstanding job but was seriously underappreciated for her accomplishments.   Her relationship with her bosses had consistent themes of poor communications, other people getting credit and her leaving feeling unrecognized and under-supported. Her assessment was that her industry was full of flaky management and that she needed to do a complete career switch.   This was a huge undertaking as her career skills was directly linked to her industry.   She was a specialist and moving into another industry and career would mean retooling.   She was addressing the symptom. My assessment was that like so many introverts, she was falling short in areas that others around her had mastered.   Namely she had the following real problems fairly common to introverts: She was not self-promoting and helping management to utilize her extensive skills. As a result, they failed to recognize her for both her skills and results. She wasn’t reading the political landscape, in fact avoiding it, which is always a perilous thing to do. You can’t avoid the dynamics that occur anytime you get a group of people together.   Politics happens both negative and positive.   If you don’t understand the politics, you will pull a big career-limiting move.   It’s not a question of IF it happens; it is simply a matter of when and how big will the political blunder be.   In her case, it was fairly big. She had great relationships with the people who worked for her but had no relationships with her peers, management or executives. In fact, she grew to feel contempt for those above and at her level.   She had no support structure and it was apparent almost no one was in her corner. Relationships are vital for almost every aspect of your career and the fact that her career was in trouble was due in a large part to this missing element. The problem I had with her proposed direction is that she would repeat her history no matter where she pursued a job, if she didn’t take steps to change how she managed herself in the job. To make it worse, she would potentially spend time and money that wouldn’t lead to a solution.  She would simply have the same bad results in a new career and new industry. I did agree that she should start fresh elsewhere but do it with a new strategy and a few changes to her own behavior. The great thing about starting a new job is that you can change your behavior and have completely different results.   BUT, you have to be changing the right behavior or adapting new behavior that will produce a better result. Come back on Monday as we continue our discussion and we take a look at Adapting Behaviors and how they relate to our moving ahead in our careers. I look forward to our visit!

My Experience at Georgetown University

My Experience at Georgetown University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Andrew is a Washington, D.C. tutor specializing in Business Economics tutoring, Essay Editing tutoring, SAT Verbal prep tutoring, and a number of other areas. He is a 2014 graduate of Georgetown University with a Bachelors degree in International Business and Operations Information Management. See what he had to share about Georgetown University: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Andrew: Georgetown University is located in the Georgetown neighborhood, in the northwest corner of Washington, D.C. Though located in the city, the area is not exactly urban. Rows of colorful townhouses line the streets, and popular stores and restaurants can be found along the main roads, M Street and Wisconsin Avenue. The campus itself is mostly self-contained, and it could be mistaken for a suburban campus at first sight. This is both good and bad, because enjoying a separate, pleasant campus comes at the price of more difficult access to the rest of the city. It is not all that hard to get out, but it does take a little bit of planning to find the right bus and avoid the higher cost of a taxi or an Uber. Very few students bring their own cars, but bikes are fairly common. I found my bike to be the most convenient form of transportation to any destination within a few miles. And to give you an idea of scale, The Lincoln Memorial and the White House are only about two miles away from Georgetown Universitys campus. As far as safety is concerned, Georgetown University is located in one of the safest areas of Washington, D.C., but there will always be some crime. Most people feel that if they take reasonable precautions, like avoiding walking alone at night and keeping doors locked at all times, they will stay safe. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Andrew:In general, I found professors to be very accessible and always eager to help. It is common at most schools for introductory-level classes to be taught in large lecture halls by professors who cannot possibly get to know all of their students, but at Georgetown University, this only happened to me twice. The vast majority of my classes had a relatively low student-to-professor ratio, and I was able to meet with my professors easily. Furthermore, many of my professors had considerable working experience in their academic fields, and they were willing to act not only as teachers, but as mentors. I developed meaningful relationships with several of my professors, and much of what I learned from them extended beyond academics. Mentorship, however, was not something I found in my academic advisers. They seemed to be difficult to access, probably because they were assigned too many students to devote adequate time to each. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Andrew:The quality of the dorms is largely average, but they are set up very well for campus social life. All of the freshman dorms are within a short walking distance of each other, so it is easy to meet up with friends from other dorms. There is only one dining hall where meal swipes can be used, but there is always a good variety of food, as well as vegetarian and vegan choices. Some students did not like the dining hall, of course, but I personally enjoyed having just one place where all of my classmates came to eat. It meant that every time I went, I would run into people I knew, and I always looked forward to it. And for those nights when I chose to go off-campus to eat, there were many popular restaurants within short walking distance in the Georgetown neighborhood. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Andrew:I chose to double major in International Business and Operations and Information Management (OPIM) in the McDonough School of Business. I applied to the business school because I was not sure what I wanted to do as a career, and I wanted to keep my options open. This turned out to be a good choice, because I did find that many diverse opportunities were available to me as a business student. The business school is generally well supported by the university. Lectures are held in a relatively new building with excellent classroom and study spaces. There is surprisingly little difference between majors in the business school, because every student is required to take a core set of courses. After completing this core, each major is only about five courses long, compared to the usual 12 for the College of Arts and Sciences. This means that all business students have a similar experience, and they find high-quality faculty across all of the business disciplines. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Andrew:There is no real Greek life at Georgetown University. There are several fraternities and sororities, but they are not recognized by the school, and they are not all that different from any other student club. Social life is organized instead around shared activities. Student clubs and teams, which often exist for an important, non-social purpose, tend to have a social component as well. For example, I was a member of Georgetown Emergency Response Medical Service (GERMS), which is a student-run ambulance service. Students in GERMS take its purpose and mission very seriously, but the organization also brings its members together socially around a common interest, acting almost like an informal fraternity. There is nothing to stop anyone from being in multiple groups like this, or making connections between friends in different groups, and this leads to a mostly open social scene. I think this is especially valuable for freshmen, since they are free to spend time with different groups of people for different reasons, without any of the arbitrary restrictions that come with rushing a fraternity or a sorority. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Andrew:Georgetown University students certainly benefit from the schools reputation among employers. Many of the most notable consulting and finance firms recruit on campus, and the Career Center arranges on-campus interviews for jobs and internships with these companies. The Career Center is actually a very useful resource for the large numbers of students interested in business fields, especially Consulting and Finance, but students interested in less mainstream career choices may need to find more help elsewhere. For example, the Career Center had little to offer me during my somewhat unique application processes to the United States Navys Officer Candidate School and several federal law enforcement agencies. I do not consider this a fault of the Career Center, however, but rather a reasonable choice to use limited resources to benefit the largest number of students. And the Career Center does put on career fairs each semester, as well as a government career fair, which bring in large and diverse groups of employers. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Andrew:It is always possible to find a quiet place to study, and Georgetown University is expanding these spaces all the time. A brand new student center was just completed, and the new science and business buildings are just a few years old. The study areas can get crowded during finals, but with a little bit of creativity and patience, there is always room. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Andrew:The Georgetown neighborhood is mostly residential, but there are many stores, restaurants, and bars concentrated along M Street and Wisconsin Avenue. This puts many options for shopping, eating, and socializing within 20 minutes of the university. And if you get tired of these choices, the Dupont area is only a short bus ride away, and Adams Morgan is just a little farther than that. Both of these are very popular areas for young people in Washington, D.C. But besides going out to shop or eat, there is still plenty to do in Washington, D.C. The National Mall, around which most of the monuments and museums are located, is just a few miles from Georgetown University, and the waterfront areas along the Potomac River are a short walk away. Some students feel that their workload prevents them from going out into the city as much as they would like to, but it is still important to remember that Washington, D.C. offers an amazing array of activities, and it is impossible to feel like you have tried everything. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Andrew:There are a little over 7,000 undergraduate students attending Georgetown University. I personally enjoyed this relatively small size. I felt that it was just big enough to allow me to always meet new people, but just small enough that I would always run into someone I knew. By the time I graduated, I did not know everyone, but I felt that I probably knew at least one person in common with everyone in my class. Accordingly, class sizes are usually small. Only a few general education courses are taught in large lecture halls, but most classes allow students very good access to professors. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Andrew:One summer, I took a socio-linguistics class. I took the course to satisfy a requirement, and I was not expecting much out of it. However, it became one of my most valuable academic experiences. I was already vaguely interested in the subject, but as a business student, I did not see how it really fit with my concentration. But with the help of an excellent professor, I soon discovered that socio-linguistics was extremely relevant in the business world and even in daily life. I put a lot of energy and attention into the class, and toward the end, I found out that my professor was in charge of a research team studying the use of language in advanced business education. I asked her if she needed any help with her research in the fall, and she brought me onto the team. I was the only undergraduate, and the only business student. I was able to learn an incredible amount from these colleagues, just by participating in practical research at the intersection of their academic field and mine. Between the summer class and the research experience, I felt that I had learned more about the principles and utility of socio-linguistics than I could have even by minoring in the subject. I was thrilled that my somewhat spontaneous adventure into linguistics had turned out to be such a fulfilling experience. I realize now, however, that experiences like this are somewhat common at Georgetown University. With a little bit of academic curiosity and some confident initiative, it is usually possible to turn academic study into a surprisingly engaging experience. Check out Andrew's tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Picking a Major Early in College

Picking a Major Early in College Time and time again, people may tell you not to stress over deciding on a major right away. They generally advise you to take your time contemplating, that you can change it at any time so there should be no pressure at all. While all of this may be true in a sense, the difficulty of adapting your curriculum to a major switch cannot be underestimated but it often is. People are quick to glamorize the freedom of being able to change your mind regarding your career path at any time in college, but the truth is, you can only change your mind so many times before it significantly lengthens your college career. With every major comes a different set of required classes, and depending on how closely related your new major and past major are, these classes may not always overlap. So if youre going into junior year and decide you want to be a marketing major when you have spent the last two years taking journalism classes, being able to fit your new batch of requirements in the four remaining semesters ahead of you may seem a bit daunting. All in all, it really does depend on the specific majors in question, because many students do change their minds late in the game and still manage to graduate on time or close to on time. The particular major could be less demanding in its requirements, you could get lucky in class requirements overlapping, or maybe youre just dedicated enough to cram an overload of hours into each semester you have left. So this idea is not impossible and you should never be discouraged to change your mind if you really feel passionate about a different career after all, that is whats most important in the end, doing something that you love. But you could make things a heck of a lot easier on yourself if you take just a few steps to really think things through during your first few semesters of school. First off, your freshman year will be filled with mostly Gen Eds anyway, so this is the safest time to flip from major to major. You wont be wasting any time because you need these Gen Eds regardless of what degree you walk away with later on. And while youre being forced to take all of this general education, really try to soak it up. Its good to be kept well-rounded because you experience more, and the more you learn about basic subjects, the more you will figure out what youre really interested in. The subjects you find yourself better at or caring about more may point you in the general direction of a more specific area of study that suits you well. This year should be spent truly exploring what the academic world has to offer you so you can discover what topics really matter to you. By the time sophomore year rolls around, you should hopefully have a good idea of what you want to study. If you do, start getting involved in all aspects of it! If youre still undecided, at least narrow down the main choices youre considering and try to take at least one class in each of them. This way, youre still allowing yourself to learn and explore rather than blindly settling down and youre decreasing any possibly wasted time. Also, if youre still struggling at this point, talk to other students in those majors, join extracurricular activities related to them, meet with your universitys Career Center. There are endless resources on college campuses ready to give you an honest perspective on making this big decision. Ideally, if you follow through on this process thoughtfully, you should be settled on a major by the end of your sophomore year and will have already made some progress toward completing its requirements. Again, if your career passions change overnight, you need to do what makes you happy. But by setting goals for yourself to figure out what you want early on, you will be able to devote a lot more time to it throughout your college career and be ten times more prepared to make it a professional reality once you graduate.

Top ten jobs that offer better returns - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Top ten jobs that offer better returns - Introvert Whisperer Top ten jobs that offer better returns   Well, there are so many things that can drive you to choose a career in a particular field. Your love and compassion towards it play a key role. However, financial security is also paramount. Until or unless you are sure about good returns, you will always be wary of opting for that line of work. When you are doing a job, the “feel good” factor is essential, but you can’t overlook tangible perks and privileges. Presently, you can rely on the following jobs for better wages: 1. Financial analyst The input of a financial analyst is essential on personal as well as corporate level. Companies hire financial analysts to make various decisions based on their expertise like investing in a stock market or selling shares at a particular time. Similarly, individuals seek their advice to forecast their financial decisions. Multiple tasks fall within the scope of a financial analyst, which is why this is such a desirable and well-paid job. If you are good when it comes to dealing with numbers, you can turn out to be a handy financial analyst. You can earn as much as 37 dollars per hour. 2. Web developer A lot of shopping is done online today. Even physical stores make it a point to have an online appearance in the form of a website. Almost all the leading brands have their website, and in order to keep their sites in good shape and appealing, they have to hire web developers. This profession has observed 11 percent growth in the last three years. 3. Construction manager Bridges, flyovers, and new buildings are being made throughout the world. This is the reason why construction managers are so much in demand. If you are good at communication, managing people, and have the ability to provide quality construction in tight budgets, then you must consider this job. The best thing about this job is that even if you start as a construction worker, you can still be transformed into a construction manager over some time. As for the income, you can accumulate nearly 189000 dollars in a year. 4. Travel blogger Do you like traveling? How about making a career and great fortune out of it? Trust me, and this is no joke. Many people are already doing it with great success. You need to be good at written communication to set up your own blog where you can share your informative and entertaining experience about the places you visit. Also, your photography skills need to be up to the mark as well. Companies will sponsor your trips, and you can make a decent living out of it. You can also get paid through advertisements. 5. Driving It is a sad reality that even in this era of the “most educated” generation, people don’t complete their education for a variety of reasons. So in case you don’t hold a degree from a well-reputed institution, you can still be eligible for low-key but well-to-do jobs like driving. You can easily find truck driver jobs in Los Angeles and other cities. What makes driving a much sought-after job is the flexibility that comes with it. 6. Ethical hacker As we get more and more dependent on the internet, online security is becoming a huge issue. Already the world has witnessed some massive hacks, and this is one reason people are getting increasingly skeptic about their online world. However, all hackers are not evil. If you belong to computer science, then you can serve as an ethical hacker. Multinational companies will hire you to detect any online security lapses in their system, and you will get paid in return. Since online security is identified as a significant threat, the scope for this job currently knows no bound. Not many fields are going to witness as much growth as this one. 7. Marketing manager Marketing managers have to make strategies for businesses that ensure the best return on investment. Gathering and analyzing data and trends are primary components of their work. The salary of a marketing manager has much to do with a particular industry. 8. Air traffic controller Being an air traffic controller comes up with a lot of pressure because you are responsible for so many lives. These folks are tasked to issue weather alerts and control air traffic to make it safe for airline passengers. However, you could be paid up to 191000 dollars for making accurate decisions in split seconds. 9. Technical writers As new inventions are being made continuously, people need to be conveyed on how to use these new inventions effectively. For example, a new mobile application is developed, unless we know its features at length, we won’t take an interest in it. You can say that, more often than not, technical writers are the bread butter of efficient marketing. Also, if you like to work remotely, nothing can be as rewarding as this job with the possibility of 130000 dollars annual earning. 10. Interpreter The world has become a global village. Yet, sometimes, communication gap widens because we speak different languages. That’s why interpreters or translators are required all over the world for swift verbal and written communication. If you are inclined towards languages, then it could be your cup of tea. Apart from freelancing, you can offer your services at places like meeting rooms, hospitals, schools, courtrooms, and conference centers. Final thoughts If you somehow manage to sneak into one of these jobs, the odds are that you will be financially protected for the rest of your life. Reason being, the above jobs are not only doing well currently but seem robust in the foreseeable future as well. Source About the Author:

Is the Level of Spelling in the UK Falling

Is the Level of Spelling in the UK Falling Do the British Need to Brush up on their English Spelling? ChaptersWhy Is Learning to Spell Important?The Rise of ‘Text Language’Should There Be More Emphasis On Spelling In Schools?With GCSE and A Level results on the rise, why does it seem like our nation’s English language level, in particular spelling, has fallen? There are many factors to consider when answering this question: increase in web content, the popularity of social media and blogs, the development of ‘text message’ language and the use of emoticons are just some examples of these external influences on our population.Although it may feel like the standard of English has fallen across the country, we have to wonder if it is actually the advancement of technology that is in fact making poor language more apparent.Nowadays, people will consult the Internet for a variety of purposes: to check up on a symptom they are experiencing, to look for a product’s instructions, to do some online shopping, etc… and they are able to find answers to their queries each and every time. This is because people are now finding new ways to voice their opinions and provide information to others via comments, forums, blogs, social media sites and independent websites.Students can find reputable English tutor GCSE here.We are all guilty of using the Internet to look up symptoms because information is now so freely available. Photo credit: Rachel Olmanson via Visual HuntIt is this ease of sourcing information that makes us all the more reliant on the web and, as a result, more and more content will keep on filling our screens. The amount of writing available for us to access will continue to multiply until the Internet ceases to exist, there is no space left in the ‘cloud’, or at least until a replacement for the World Web Web is invented.Take for example a newspaper’s website, like BBC or The Telegraph, you can search an archive of published articles spanning several years, yet the paper continues to release more and more texts for its readers. Now if you thi nk about the bigger picture, you can only imagine just how much written English is accessible at the click of a button and how this volume is only going to keep on increasing.Gone are the days when public writing was produced by people who had a flair for language, since anybody can now write a blog, post a tweet or even publish a book with no vetting process involved.Among this vast amount of words reaching our screens, there are no doubt numerous typos, grammatical errors and Internet-based abbreviations which, paired with our need to find answers to everything, make our population appear increasingly inarticulate.Can you fathom how much the English language has changed over the centuries? CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/ h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy Is Learning to Spell Important?As a consequence of the ease of expressing one’s views online, it feels like the value of the English language has somewhat deteriorated. This may be because, statistically, errors are far more common in line with the volume of texts, but also because posting on the Internet is now the norm for many (especially our younger generations) and they therefore simply see writing as a means of communicating quickly rather than a skill to be used with care.However good it is that more people are embracing the art of writing in their every day lives, it should nonetheless remain an art and a skill to be celebrated. After all, written manuscripts are some of the most sacred artefacts in relation to our country’s history and have taught us so much about life in other centuries. To think that our future generations will be reading about the culture of the 21st cen tury and coming across heaps of errors and false information is very sad indeed!Furthermore, English is considered as the number one business language in the world which makes it all the more special, and means it is important that it is used properly to maintain consistency across the nations.Teaching our younger generations to speak, and more importantly write, well in English is a necessity not only for the future of our language as a communication tool but also for our adults of the future. By giving help for English to all youngsters and improve their communication skills and the way they approach writing, we could be welcoming more creative minds, an important quality for the development of our society.Would you like to teach young students how to write effectively?We must teach our younger generations to write English correctly. Photo via VisualHunt.comThe Rise of ‘Text Language’Another influencing factor on the perception of our country’s spelling level is the huge ris e in ‘text language’, also known as ‘SMS language’. This digital or Internet-based language is made up of a variety of abbreviations, not only for single words but for entire sentences.For example, popular terms are ‘BRB’ (be right back), ‘LOL’ (laughing out loud), and ‘TMI’ (too much information). It is not unheard of to abbreviate much longer phrases too like ‘IYKWIM’ (if you know what I mean)!With these terms floating around on the Internet and in messages going back and forth to smartphones, it raises the question of whether our language is evolving with modern technology and society and if we need to seriously consider studying this development in English.It is currently seen as a crime for parents or ‘older’ people to attempt to use these up-and-coming slang terms but who is to say that this will not become the language of our future?Add to the rise in shortened language the introduction of emojis or emoticons, and we have an entirely new language t rend emerging.Described by some as revolutionary, emojis are a new way of communicating an emotion or even a collection of thoughts. While these images have changed the way we text, it is unclear if everybody reads them in the same way and if, therefore, we are fluent enough in this type of language to communicate effectively.This could be why students have trouble composing a good essay!Studies into the use of emoticons in written communications are ongoing, with some even investigating if entire texts can be sent using the icons to convey a particular message that can be understood by all.If this takes off, we could be looking at a new form of international communication, yet many are quick to point out that cultural and religious differences come into play here.Make sure to be the best speller thanks to the help of a private English tutor.Text or SMS language, including emojis, are taking over our language. Photo credit: Free For Commercial Use (FFC) via VisualHuntWe could be a l ong way away from a standard, worldwide language but the advancements in technology sure are raising questions about whether spelling is going to be as important as it is now in the years to come.Should There Be More Emphasis On Spelling In Schools?Back to here and now, we must consider the role of schools and colleges in asserting the importance of good spelling to our generations now in education, as well as those entering the education system.Apart from the proportion of adults who continue to or go back to studying after the age of eighteen, the legal school leaving age, people across the country will be relying on their primary and secondary education to provide them with the basic literary and numeracy skills they need in life. It is therefore vital that educators do all that they can to bring students’ spelling level up to a reasonable standard and inspire them to take pride in their writing abilities.Would you like to improve your spelling abilities?Although many English c ourses operate a system whereby they have different sets designed to group students of similar abilities into different classes, if a student falls short of the lower set’s standard for any reason, there is little teachers can do to raise their level of English. This is because class time is designated to certain tasks in order to prepare students for assessment at the end of their course.In France, as an example, if a student was not working at the level expected of them, their teacher had the power to hold them back, called 'redoublement' (or, in English, redoubling), until they were able to display the required understanding of not only the subjects studied but also communication skills in general. This included their ability to read and write at the same level of their peers.Although a drastic measure, this commitment to ensuring each and every student passes a particular milestone with at least the minimum level required meant that all students were given the same opportuniti es and that no students were ignored simply because the resources required to help them were unsupported by the education system at that time.Some might agree that a whole new education system needs to be introduced in the UK which takes into account issues beyond students’ control, such as more support for pupils with special needs and a better awareness of mental health issues among many more factors which might hinder a student’s ability to acquire basic skills like reading and writing.Did you know that daily writing can improve your overall health?Promoting ChangeAlthough the UK is currently churning out record numbers of A* pupils, the education system is still letting many children and young adults down.Ofsted raised the issue of weaknesses in the way English language was taught across all ages back in 2012, and highlighted a distinct lack in focus on the basics of spelling and handwriting. It pointed out that, if students were beginning to struggle with reading and writin g at the age of seven, then they would undoubtedly fail to ever catch up with the rest of their peers as they progressed through school.Sir Michael Wilshaw, the chief inspector, took action following this report and called on tougher English targets and more specialist English teachers to be recruited in primary schools.However, it is important that the Department of Education  continues to drive these improvements forward, especially at a time when Internet-based language is influencing students to such a high degree.Why not get started on improving your English writing with these guidelines?

Produce Error Free Draft English Writing Online Tutorpace

Produce Error Free Draft English Writing Online Tutorpace Errors in a draft confuse the readers and the intended meaning does not get conveyed. Errors usually undermine the authority of the writer too. Hence it is essential to have drafts free from errors. The common errors that occur in a draft could be classified into grammar and punctuation. The most common grammar error to look for is the subject-verb agreement. Not only the subject and verb must agree in number but the subject and the pronoun should also agree. For example: Everyone was asked to bring his or her contribution. In this sentence, the subject everyone is singular but the verb are is a plural verb. Therefore it should be Everyone was asked to bring. Since everyone is singular, the pronoun their is wrong. Therefore, the correct sentence should be, Everyone was asked to bring his/her contribution. Further more, the writers should watch out for shift in tense and compound subjects while writing. However, there are ways and means of producing error free drafts. First of all if the writers use a computer, they could use the spelling and grammar checking in the system itself. In addition, the writers could read aloud to listen and recognize the mistakes if any. They could also avail of the help of their friends to go through the essay in order to find any errors that they have missed in their draft.