Thursday, March 5, 2020

Top ten jobs that offer better returns - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Top ten jobs that offer better returns - Introvert Whisperer Top ten jobs that offer better returns   Well, there are so many things that can drive you to choose a career in a particular field. Your love and compassion towards it play a key role. However, financial security is also paramount. Until or unless you are sure about good returns, you will always be wary of opting for that line of work. When you are doing a job, the “feel good” factor is essential, but you can’t overlook tangible perks and privileges. Presently, you can rely on the following jobs for better wages: 1. Financial analyst The input of a financial analyst is essential on personal as well as corporate level. Companies hire financial analysts to make various decisions based on their expertise like investing in a stock market or selling shares at a particular time. Similarly, individuals seek their advice to forecast their financial decisions. Multiple tasks fall within the scope of a financial analyst, which is why this is such a desirable and well-paid job. If you are good when it comes to dealing with numbers, you can turn out to be a handy financial analyst. You can earn as much as 37 dollars per hour. 2. Web developer A lot of shopping is done online today. Even physical stores make it a point to have an online appearance in the form of a website. Almost all the leading brands have their website, and in order to keep their sites in good shape and appealing, they have to hire web developers. This profession has observed 11 percent growth in the last three years. 3. Construction manager Bridges, flyovers, and new buildings are being made throughout the world. This is the reason why construction managers are so much in demand. If you are good at communication, managing people, and have the ability to provide quality construction in tight budgets, then you must consider this job. The best thing about this job is that even if you start as a construction worker, you can still be transformed into a construction manager over some time. As for the income, you can accumulate nearly 189000 dollars in a year. 4. Travel blogger Do you like traveling? How about making a career and great fortune out of it? Trust me, and this is no joke. Many people are already doing it with great success. You need to be good at written communication to set up your own blog where you can share your informative and entertaining experience about the places you visit. Also, your photography skills need to be up to the mark as well. Companies will sponsor your trips, and you can make a decent living out of it. You can also get paid through advertisements. 5. Driving It is a sad reality that even in this era of the “most educated” generation, people don’t complete their education for a variety of reasons. So in case you don’t hold a degree from a well-reputed institution, you can still be eligible for low-key but well-to-do jobs like driving. You can easily find truck driver jobs in Los Angeles and other cities. What makes driving a much sought-after job is the flexibility that comes with it. 6. Ethical hacker As we get more and more dependent on the internet, online security is becoming a huge issue. Already the world has witnessed some massive hacks, and this is one reason people are getting increasingly skeptic about their online world. However, all hackers are not evil. If you belong to computer science, then you can serve as an ethical hacker. Multinational companies will hire you to detect any online security lapses in their system, and you will get paid in return. Since online security is identified as a significant threat, the scope for this job currently knows no bound. Not many fields are going to witness as much growth as this one. 7. Marketing manager Marketing managers have to make strategies for businesses that ensure the best return on investment. Gathering and analyzing data and trends are primary components of their work. The salary of a marketing manager has much to do with a particular industry. 8. Air traffic controller Being an air traffic controller comes up with a lot of pressure because you are responsible for so many lives. These folks are tasked to issue weather alerts and control air traffic to make it safe for airline passengers. However, you could be paid up to 191000 dollars for making accurate decisions in split seconds. 9. Technical writers As new inventions are being made continuously, people need to be conveyed on how to use these new inventions effectively. For example, a new mobile application is developed, unless we know its features at length, we won’t take an interest in it. You can say that, more often than not, technical writers are the bread butter of efficient marketing. Also, if you like to work remotely, nothing can be as rewarding as this job with the possibility of 130000 dollars annual earning. 10. Interpreter The world has become a global village. Yet, sometimes, communication gap widens because we speak different languages. That’s why interpreters or translators are required all over the world for swift verbal and written communication. If you are inclined towards languages, then it could be your cup of tea. Apart from freelancing, you can offer your services at places like meeting rooms, hospitals, schools, courtrooms, and conference centers. Final thoughts If you somehow manage to sneak into one of these jobs, the odds are that you will be financially protected for the rest of your life. Reason being, the above jobs are not only doing well currently but seem robust in the foreseeable future as well. Source About the Author:

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